Inserting Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint For Mac

How to manually make a timeline in PowerPoint 1. Create a basic timeline graphic. Create a new presentation or open an existing one and add a new blank slide. Go to the Insert tab on the PowerPoint ribbon and click on the SmartArt button in the Illustrations section. To type the Approximately Equal symbol on Mac, press Option + X on your keyboard. For Windows users, press down the Alt key and type 247 using the numeric keypad, then release the Alt key. These shortcuts work in both Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and anywhere on the Windows or Mac PC. The basic operation is simple: Choose a symbol and then either click the Insert button or double-click the symbol. You find two tabs: Symbols and Special Characters. Inserting from the Symbols tab in Office 2011 applications. The Symbols tab offers a grid-based preview of symbols contained in the font selected in the Font pop-up menu.

  • Search for a character or symbol: Enter a commonly used word or phrase (such as question mark) or code (such as U+003F) in the search field, then press Return. To insert a character or symbol in a document, position the insertion point in the document where you want the item to appear, then click the item in the viewer.
  • How to write Mathematics formula in powerpoint.Mathematical Formula in powerpoint.For more videos on this subject click on the link

Inserting the equation block and using an auto-replace feature for Greek symbols is the fastest and the simplestway to insert Greek symbols.


1. In the slide where you want to insert the symbol, clickAlt+= to insert equitation:

2. In the equitation block without any additional efforts, you canenter any symbol that you need just by typing +Name of the symbol:


To insert a capital letter of the Greek alphabet, simply enter +Name of the symbol startingwith a capital letter:


How to insert other symbols and templates in an equation, see Howto insert the mathematical and other symbols into the PowerPoint slide.

3. After entering the symbol, click the space; it changed enteringthe name to the appropriate symbol.

4. Click Alt+= again to exit from the equitation.

Now you can continue entering your text.

Note: you can see all of Name of the symbol that you can use in theAutocorrect Options. To open them, do the following:

1. On the File menu, click the Options button:

2. In the PowerPoint Options dialog box, on theProofing tab, click the AutoCorrect Options... button:

3. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, choose the MathAutoCorrect tab:

On the Math AutoCorrect tab, you can see all Names of symbols that can be used forinserting the Greek symbols.

Note: AutoCorrect options work through all Microsoft Office products on this PC, laptop, etc. Ifyou change some of them in PowerPoint, you will see all changes also in Word, Outlook, and Excel.

See also this tip in French:Comment insérer rapidement des symboles grecs dans votre diapositive PowerPoint.

Table of contents

PowerPoint BasicsThe RibbonMoving in Text Boxes Moving Between SlidesSelectionCopy and Paste Formatting TextComments View and ZoomSymbolsDeletionInsertsHelp MenusObjects-Movement and SelectionObjects-FormattingPresenting


Input symbols faster in PowerPoint.

Windows keys

Inserting Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint For Mac Os


PowerPoint Basics

The Ribbon

Moving in Text Boxes

Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint

Moving Between Slides


Copy and Paste

Insert Section Symbol In Powerpoint

Formatting Text


View and Zoom


Input symbols faster in PowerPoint.



Help Menus

Objects-Movement and Selection



Inserting Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint For Mac Shortcut

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