One Hour One Life Apocalypse

  1. One Hour One Life Server
  2. One Hour One Life Crafting

Nov 11, 2018 EXPLORING THE WORLD & FINDING NEW EMPIRES - Two Hours One Life Mod - One Hour One Life Gameplay - Duration: 1:10:49. Twisted - HoneyBunnyGames 7,139 views 1:10:49. One Hour One Life is a multiplayer survival game of parenting and civilization building. Get born to another player as your mother. Live an entire life in one hour. Have babies of your own in the form of other players. Leave a legacy for the next generation as you help to rebuild civilization from scratch. The world is forever getting one day, one hour, one minute, one second closer to the time it’s going to end. We can’t necessarily predict how it’s going to happen: economic collapse, massive asteroid, quantum mechanics reality show gone horribly wrong, deadly beavers, viral outbreak, or government incompetence. The apocalypse was one attempt at an end game. It also was an attempt to create a momentary shared collective experience. To create a memory. 'Were you there back when there was an apocalypse? Wow, what a day that was!' But allowing one faction to end the game for everyone really isn't that interesting of an end game. Medical Treatment refers to the method to healing injuries from animals or other players. Treatment must be applied swiftly to avoid a players's death. Therefore, ensuring medical supplies are stocked up in-advance is wise. Pads become dirty if dropped on the ground and must be re-sterilized, so must be stored in a clay bowl. Used bloody pads can not be re-sterilized and will disappear after.

LifePortager wrote:

I will say, with this new spawning apocalypse vision that you have, you are going to have to seriously nerf griefing (or give us armor, watchtowers or something). The bottom line is that no family tree can last sufficiently long at the moment, because of griefing. We just need a way to fight back. Then we can really fulfill the true vision that you outlined here, multigenerational families working towards the advancement of our societies.

Yes. Very much this. I'm 100% on board with the vision, but murder griefing should be much more difficult. I look forward to inevitable resource raids, intergenerational feuds, and clan warfare, but we at least need a chance to defend ourselves and save our family line if that's to continue to be the focus. IMO a knife should kill in two hits, not one, with a shorter cooldown than it has currently. This would give victims a chance to run, defend themselves, or carry their only daughter to safety as the victim bleeds out (some fun, dramatic RP possible there). I'd even be OK if arrows still killed with one hit--that'd be the weapon of choice for warfare--but close-range instant death by knife is unrealistic and can be absolutely devastating for a bloodline.

Medical Treatment refers to the method to healing injuries from animals or other players. Treatment must be applied swiftly to avoid a players's death. Therefore, ensuring medical supplies are stocked up in-advance is wise. Pads become dirty if dropped on the ground and must be re-sterilized, so must be stored in a clay bowl. Used bloody pads can not be re-sterilized and will disappear after two minutes.

Injuries act as held objects; Acquiring an injury causes you to drop whatever you are holding (including babies), and prevents you from picking up items. However you can still open doors. It is possible to get more than one injury, each of which will halve the amount of time until you die. Injuries (except for Yellow Fever) will slow a player to 75% walking speed.

  • 2Crafting Medical supplies

Injuries and Cures[edit | edit source]

Injury typeCauseCure

Bite Wound

Grizzly Bear
Mean Pit Bull
Use a Sterile Wool Pad to get Clean Bite Wound, then use a Needle and Thread.

Snake Bite

Rattle Snake
Use a Sterile Wool Pad to get Clean Snake Bite, then use a Antivenom Knife.

Hog Cut

Wild Boar
Domestic Boar
Use a Sterile Wool Pad to get Clean Hog Cut, then use a Needle and Thread.

Yellow Fever

Mosquito Swarm
Yellow fever cannot be cured, but will end after 35 seconds. It raises your temperature dramatically and reduces your food bar to 30% of its maximum. So it is best to seek out cold Biomes, preferably near home, so you can get other players to feed you while you recover. If you get bit multiple times, the period of sickness will be extended. You are less likely to survive with the extra insulation of clothes. If you have no-one to feed you, you can still survive by heading directly to a snow biome and scouting out a readily available food while you wait for the fever to end. Snowmans also lower surrounding temperature, and may be worth setting up for this purpose.

Knife Wound

Use a Sterile Wool Pad to get Clean Knife Wound, then use a Needle and Thread.

Arrow Wound

Bow and Arrow
Use empty hands to remove the Headless Arrow, to get Embedded Arrowhead Wound. Then use a Sterilized Knife to get Extracted Arrowhead Wound. Use empty hands to get Flint Arrowhead and Empty Arrow Wound. Then use Sterile Wool Pad to get Clean Arrow Wound, and finally use a Needle and Thread.

Crafting Medical supplies[edit | edit source]

One Hour One Life Apocalypse

Needle and Thread[edit | edit source]

Combine Bone Needle and Thread or Ball of Thread. A needle and ball of thread can be used identically to Needle and Thread, and can be used multiple times before running out, so is a better option to keep around the medic station.

Sterile Wool Pad[edit | edit source]

Use Ball of Thread or Dirty Wool Pad on Simmering Water. Store in Clay Bowl to get Bowl of Sterile Pads. Pads become dirty if dropped on the ground and must be re-sterilized, so must be stored in a clay bowl. Used bloody pads can not be re-sterilized and will disappear after two minutes.

One Hour One Life Server


One Hour One Life Crafting

Sterilized Knife[edit | edit source]

Add knife to any Fire, Burning Adobe Oven or Firing Adobe Kiln. Will revert back into knife after 30 seconds, or if placed on the ground. A sterilized knife can be distinguished from a regular knife by its black tip.

Antivenom Knife[edit | edit source]

Use a Riding Horse on a Rattle Snake to get Snake-Bit Riding Horse. Use a knife on the dead horse to get Snake-Bit Horse with Blood Leak. Use a Clay Bowl to get Bowl of Antivenom Blood. Use a Sterilized Knife to get antivenom knife. Placing an antivenom knife on the ground will cause it to revert back to a knife. The dead horse will disappear after 10 minutes.

Red Cross Apron[edit | edit source]

Aprons can be useful in carrying an easily accessible Needle and Thread or a knife. The Red Cross Apron is a vanity version obtained by dyeing a White Apron with red dye.


Info[edit | edit source]

  • Added in version 113
  • Prior to v.150, it was optional to use sterile wool pad on a bite wound
  • Prior to v.152, it was possible to 'drop' a wound by using a Teleporter. The detached wound could be treated but was still lethal.
  • v.170 - Yellow Fever and mosquitoes added.
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