Lotus Notes Client For Mac Download

You can use the supplied Notes® InstallCleanup Executable (NICE) tool to clean up a failed install, faileduninstall, or failed upgrade. You can also use the tool to uninstallan existing version of Notes,and clean up extraneous files, before performing an upgrade installation.The tool is available for Notes onsupported Windows™ platformsonly, and must be run by an administrator.

TheNICE tool (nice.exe) is supplied in the Utility subdirectoryin the Notes install kit.It can be run on all Notes releases6.5 and newer.

Note: Before running the NICE tool, consider backingup the Notes client. For details,see the wiki article in the related topics on backing up and restoringdata.

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The tool removes various files and settings, includingregistry setting values, program files, and Notes user data files. It obtains the locationof applicable files and folders by searching the registry for settingsthat contain a 'xpdInstallLocation' or 'XPD_INSTALL_LOCATION' value,such as the following:

Thetool checks to see if Notes processesand services are running.

If NICE detects certain processes,you are instructed to shut down; NICE does not close these processesfor you. The list includes the following:
  • notes2.exe
  • ntaskldr.exe
  • notes.exe
  • nlnotes.exe
  • sametime75.exe
  • nminder.exe
  • soffice.bin
  • soffice.exe
NotesIf NICE detects certain services, it will stop them. Theservice list includes the following:
  • Notes Diagnostics
  • Multi-user Cleanup Service
  • Notes Single Logon
  • Notes Smart Upgrade Service

Lotus Notes For Mac Download

NICE then removes the following items:
  • Shared DLL files based on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDlls registrysetting
  • Notes workspace directory(for release 8.0 and newer) -- User's Data Directory/workspace
  • Program files (if the Remove all program files checkbox or command line option is enabled) -- All ProgramFilesIBMNotes directory contents are removed except the ProgramFilesIBMNotesData subdirectory.
    Note: For NICE toremove the preceding items, Remove Data Files mustbe disabled.
  • Desktop shortcuts -- Notes, Domino® Designer, Domino Administrator desktop shortcuts areremoved, as are applicable Start > Programs menu shortcuts.
  • Notes data files (if the Remove all data files check box or commandline option is enabled) -- The Notes datadirectory, as specified in the registry, is deleted.
Note: NICE uses registry key HKLMLotusNotesPath todetermine where Notes is installed.It also checks for the Expeditor location in case it was installedto a different location than the Notes programfiles.
Considerrunning NICE in the following situations:
  • Clean install -- Remove the existing Notes installation, and clean the registry,to prepare for a clean install.
  • Failed install -- Detect the install version (release) from theregistry and clean up registry settings and files on the system toprepare for a clean install of the same release.
  • Failed upgrade -- Detect the install version (release) from theregistry and clean up registry settings and files on the system toprepare for a clean install or the upgrade release.
  • Failed uninstall -- Detect the version (release) from the registryand clean up registry settings and files on the system to preparefor a clean install.

For all situations, the following occurs:

If a Notes version is not detectedin the registry but files exist in the default location , you areprompted to remove those files from disk.

Lotus Notes Client For Mac Free Download

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Forexample, if there is no entry for Notes inthe Add/Remove Programs dialog box, NICE detects whether there isa key in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARELotusNotes,gets the PROGDIR and DATADIR information from the registry, and doesthe deletion. If there is no key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARELotusNotes,NICE does nothing.

If there is no Add/Remove Programs entryfor Notes, but there are registrykeys in either HKCUSoftwareLotusNotesInstaller or HKLMSoftwareLotusNotes,you can remove those registry settings. For example, if there is noAdd/Remove Programs entry for Notes,NICE gets the PROGDIR and DATADIR information from HKLMSoftwareLotusNotes andcontinues to remove program files, remove shortcuts, and clean theregistry.

  1. Log in to the Windows operatingsystem as an administrative user and ensure that Notes is not running.
  2. Locate and run the NICE tool; double-click the nice.exe executablefrom the Notes install kit's Utility subdirectoryor run nice.exe from a command line.
    Thetool checks for an existing Notes installation,informs you what version is installed, and enables you to specifyremoval options.
  3. Optional: Enable Remove all programfiles to remove applicable files and folders in the ProgramFilesIBMNotes directory.
    Note: All ProgramFilesIBMNotes directory contents are removed except the ProgramFilesIBMNotesData subdirectory.
  4. Optional: Enable Remove all datafiles to remove the user's data directory, as specifiedin the registry.
    Note: The Remove all data files checkbox is disabled when Notes isinstalled in multi user mode.
  5. Click Remove to delete the filesspecified by the selected options.
    Note: If neither optionis enabled, the tool removes only the registry entries, stops services,and leaves all the files on disk.
  6. Respond to any confirmation prompts.
  7. A progress bar indicates the progress of the cleanup process.When cleanup is complete, the NICE user interface closes.